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Driving Success Onwards

The HGV Training Group

The HGV Training Group are a collection of companies who offer HGV Training and Recutiment throughout the UK, with courses covering Cat C, C+E, Back to Back combined courses and many more.

Caboodle Design has worked with the HGV Training Group since 2008 developing their multiple brands and implementing those brand styles across a range of on and offline communications.


In a highly competitive market, it is essential to stand out from the crowd and allow your messages to be seen and heard.

Their brands targeted different aspects of the marketplace – some aimed at ex military, others aimed at a more corporate market.

The many multiple brands of the HGV Training Group all needed their own brand style, individual voice and unique selling points communicated and this is where Caboodle came in.



 Branding  Corporate Identity  Business Stationery  Brochures  Folders / Welcome Packs  Inserts  Flyers  Adverts  Posters  Exhibition Graphics  Signage ✓ Truck Livery  Website Design  Bespoke CMS  Responsive Website  Art Direction  Campaign Graphics  Social Media Graphics  Email Marketing & Newsletters

Our work for the HGV Training Group

Branding & Corporate Identity

We have worked with the HGV Training Group over a number of years and an extensive range of branding work has been done for many of the group companies evolving those brands to reflect the companies they are today.

Work covers developing a visual style for each brand that truly reflects each company, mirrors their brand values and ethos and directly appeals to their individual targets markets.

We have taken this branding across their full range of business stationery creating a dominant, successful brand.
hgv branding

Each company has their own house brand colours, fonts, tone of voice and image style so they are easily identifiable and recognisable in a competitive marketplace.

Graphic Design

A range of marketing materials have been developed to promote each brand which includes brochures, inserts, flyers, direct mail, folders, welcome packs, posters, adverts, truck livery, signage and event materials. Each brand has their own unique style which is reflected in all of their marketing materials.

Each company has a full marketing toolkit enabling their sales team to have all the information they need at hand to help convert buyers.

The Easy As HGV brand style uses their corporate colours of cyan and dark blue, a chunky modern font with an accent colour of orange to promote their marketing messages.

The LGV Training Company brand uses a brighter colour palette - red and black with an accent colour of bright yellow which helps to highlight any important elements.

lgv training company graphic design
hgv driver training centre graphic deisgn

HGV Driver Training Centre is a more graphical brand, using the road sign as a way to pull attention to a particular point or offer, combined with a colour palette of lime and dark green.


We have created over 20 promotional campaigns – each with a specific time sensitive offer. Content was created by us and we designed all of the promotional elements covering both offline and online communications.

Work across the multiple brands included landing pages to highlight the specific offers along with website graphics on key pages to push people towards those landing pages.

Print work covering posters, flyers and brochures was also produced for each campaign, along with social media graphics and of course email marketing.

Each campaign had a positive impact on their monthly turnover and targets, with some campaigns increasing their targets by 200%.
easy as hgv campaign work

Campaign work highlighted a specific offer and covered landing pages, website graphics, print work, social media graphics and email marketing for all brands.

More than 20 campaigns have been developed, worked included content creation, graphic and web design and print management.

Each campaign was time sensitive, so production timelines were tight, all online graphics and landing pages were set to appear and disappear at exact times.

Some kind words...


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Driving Success Onwards

The HGV Training Group are a collection of companies who offer HGV Training and Recutiment throughout the UK, with courses covering Cat C, C+E, Back to Back…

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